Supporting children who have been deprived of their basic right to a childhood, ICG Foundation are involved with equipping children and young people for lifelong success. Recently involved with the Celebration Fund and Surrey County Council, ICG Foundation were able to award 50 children and young people with training, education, employment and enrichment experiences.
The Celebration Fund
Surrey County Council is committed to being a good corporate parent which means encouraging and supporting children and young people in care and leaving care to achieve their full potential in life. All County Councillors contribute to a fund that enables Surrey to recognise, and reward looked after children and care leavers for their achievements and milestones.
Surrey County Council are forever grateful for support from County Councillors, partners, and donations from generous local charitable organisations, for without them the Fund would not exist. In 2021-22, ICG Foundation contributed to the Fund which enabled them to significantly increase the number of awards made to looked after children and care leavers.
All donations contribute to a variety of awards including Lessons/Training Courses - such as music lessons, dance lessons, record studio sessions, beauty/security courses, Equipment for a hobby – such as cameras, gym equipment, musical instruments, art supplies, iPods, and Visits/trips - including residential trips, football tickets, theatre trips or zoo experiences.
How awards are made
With the aim to make a positive difference to personal growth, development, and achievement, applications are generally made by social workers or keyworkers for looked after children aged 0-16, or by personal advisors and key workers for care leavers aged 17 – 25 years. Due to limited funding, awards are capped at £300 per child/young person who qualifies. To qualify for an award, applications must demonstrate a key achievement/milestone to be celebrated and the potential impact of the award on a child/young person in care.
Eligibility of applications are quality assured by senior officers, followed by a panel of County Councillors to review each application and decide whether to approve the award or not.
ICG Foundation contributes to 50 awards
The Celebration Panel have agreed 133 awards to the total value of £17,564.91, of which ICG Foundation contributed £9000 towards 50 awards.
During Round 2 of the Celebration Fund (October 2021) ICG Foundation made 14 awards, and a further 36 awards in March 2022. These 50 awards fall into three categories and are broken down into Enrichment Experiences (15), Training and Education provision (7) and Equipment for hobbies and interests (28).
These awards contribute to boosting self-esteem, self-worth and self-efficiency of the young people receiving them. Children are able to explore new opportunities, learn new skills, and expand their talents and social skills.